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Our Offer


Birthday with PartyBus

Surprise your friends, family members on their birthday with an exclusive ride on the party bus, or surprise yourself and your friends with a huge party on the partybus! You can have your own birthday on the party bus, on this occasion the bus will be filled with balloons waiting just for you. Let the party start in front of your house, and continue it with a beautiful sightseeing in the closest city, meanwhile you can drink ice-cold champagne! This birthday will be remembered forever. You can also surprise your friends, family members, your girlfriend/boyfriend with the party bus! The best fun is when they don’t know what is about to come, keeping it secret is extra fun!

Prom with PartyBus

It is no doubt that prom is a huge milestone for everyone, a party held for the ending of school, and learning, which must be held properly. Although prom nights are big parties by themselves, but we can make it bigger! Imagine the whole class arriving at a place in one time, one of the coolest things you can do for your prom night. The party doesn’t have to start when you get off the bus, it can start when you get on the bus with your class. Music, lights, dancing, smoke machines, everything you need for a proper party. This is what we can give you, all you have to do is to call us, get on the bus, and let the party / afterparty start!

Wedding with PartyBus

Go to a wedding on a bus? Sounds a bit weird but those who tried it, all of them loved it. On this bus you can bring the whole family to the wedding venue or wedding party. Discrete talking on a slowly moving bus with soft music to help it or you can have it the other way. You give us your ideas how you imagined this ride and we will make it true. Cold welcome drinks will set the mood, with your favorite music in the background, beautiful lightning in and out of the bus. These buses can take up to seventy people at once, ornamented for the wedding party.

Bachelor / bachelorette party

Bachelor parties, every youngster will reach this moment of their lives, before they get to the part with the priest and the wedding altar, everyone get’s their last huge party. Girls, and boys can set this “The last night you can do anything you want” party for their friend, let it be the fiancé or the bride. Surprise your friend with a night they wont forget, ice-cold drinks, the best pop songs, lights, smoke machines with a young looking decoration. The bus will take you anywhere you want to go. On the way you can order for Chippandale boys, or for you guys out there, beautiful hostess girls will ride along the way with you on the bus, also you can order for a personal striptease show. We can stop anytime for a group photo, or if you have some tasks for the fiancé/bride they can complete them at any stops. We can pick the fiancé/bride anywhere, right after work, or go to the pub and surprise him right there at the right moment.

Business events with PartyBus

Everybody works at their workplace, there is no time for rest, no doubt. Although that doesn’t mean you can’t befriend them, it is also healthier to have friends at your workplace, also in the 80’s some workaholic philosopher found out that people who feel better at their workplace, work way better. It’s still the same, even now. After a long day of hard work, it is always good to have some relaxing time after it. You can have it in a high-class restaurant, or in a pub. But! We got an idea, call for us, you don’t need to drive, you don’t have to call for a taxi later, you don’t have to drive, which also means you can’t drink ofcourse, with the party bus, you can push all these problems away at once, and have the night of your life! We can stop at any pub at any time in the big city. Also if you want to have just a regular relaxed party you can have it on the party bus aswell, that comes with a big city tour.

Buisness Party

Too much work? You pushed work a lot with your colleagues, letting stress take over you? Thinking about a relaxing party?

Happens with everyone, at every company, that a lot of works that come with a deadline, you have to work with 150% speed and accuracy. We know that in the end you are proud about your colleagues and yourself, but what if you had an event held just for the good work you’ve done? We got an idea for you, call for us with your team, or if you are the boss, call a bus for your team, they deserve it. This won’t be a day of work, it will be a day of fun. Work hard, play hard!

Sightseeing with PartyBus

City tour, not following any clichés and not with unknown people. This will be a city tour for you and your friends and family, if you choose us.

We all know that feeling when they make us sit somewhere , makes us put headphones on and just listen to someone, telling the story of a country or city with no passion and depth at all. Meanwhile there’s someone sitting next to you eating something. No doubt it has it’s feeling but we offer you so much more. We take only the City tour part out of it. You don’t have to sit next to strangers, you can bring your whole group of friends, and make it your event. You got your group of friends, all you have to do is to get on the bus, leave the rest to us. It is also worth a mention that Budapest is also very beautiful at night, with all it’s lights it can be beautiful.

Partybuszos osztálytalálkozó

Több éve nem találkoztál régi osztálytársaiddal, de szeretnéd tudni, mi is történt eddig velük, merre sodorta őket az élet? Rendezd meg az osztálytalálkozótokat a partybuszra!

A suliban, míg járod, sok jót nem találsz, kötelező is, nyűg is, korán is kell kelni, ott kell ülni és még vegzálnak is holmi felelésekkel, meg dolgozatokkal. Persze a jó élmények is gyűlnek szép számmal, de ez ott, akkor még nem esik le, nem úgy rögzül. Bezzeg az osztálytalálkozókon, amikor a régi barátok, iskolatársak összegyűlnek és beindul a sztorizás. Persze ezt is lehet egy étteremben ülve, vagy a suli menzáján kuksolva csinálni, nézve, ahogy a gondnok néni támasztja a partvist az állával, mert alig várja már, hogy lelépjen a társaság. És lehet úgy is csinálni, hogy igazi, maradandó emlék legyen belőle. Forduljatok hozzánk, rendeljetek nálunk egy partybuszt, amibe befér az egész osztály – és a jófej tanárok – és irány előre, gondolatban pedig vissza a múltba, a nosztalgiázás útján. Amikor pedig ezt megunta a banda akkor nem kell menni sehova, mert ott van alattatok a partybusz, ahol táncolni, bulizni is lehet. sőt egy ilyen alakalomkor szinte kötelező is. Tánctér, profi hangrendszer, finom italok. Ezt adjuk mi, ja és az élményt, ami felejthetetlen lesz.

Class reunion

It’s been a while since you met your old classmates, you wonder what is up with them, how life is going for them? Set an event just for a class’ reunion.

While you were in school, it wasn’t all that fun, waking up early in the morning, have to sit through the whole day, listening to your teachers, writing exams… Of course it had it’s good parts, but it’s not the same. At a class reunion all the stories come back as good stories, you could do this at a restaurant of course, but it’s not the same. Come to us, order a party bus from us, a bus where your whole class and teachers can fit in, and then let’s roll. Enjoy the ride, bring up old stories and when the stories end, you don’t have to go anywhere, you can have your party on the bus, where you can dance, drink, feel good.


No matter how fast life goes, rendezvous were always a time of peace and harmony. We don’t live in those times anymore, with the troubadours, writing poems for our loved ones as a mysterious lover hiding it’s identity. Choose us and we will do everything we can, to impress your loved ones. For such a special day we dress the bus fit to this event. These will be your hours, you don’t have to do anything, just sit back and relax, enjoy.

Bar hopping with PartyBus

Bar hopping is something like a bar tour. Back in the 70’s they used to do this on foot, walking through the whole city, from one pub to another all alone. This habit has died out in a long while now, and became some sort of a group task. Although if you don’t feel like walking all night from one place to another, you can choose us. If you happen to choose us, you don’t have to wait until we get to the first pub, you can drink before, and on the bus, since no one has to drive. We make sure we stop at every chosen pub you want to stop by, you get off the bus, drink in the pub, you get back on the bus, and you can keep up the party going. You don’t need any Taxi nor a personal driver or any public transportation buses.

PartyBus children’s party

You think our service were meant for more adult people? No. Why would we let the kids out of all this fun? Party buses are not meant for the older generation, kids can have the time of their life here, make it a birthday party, or the end of school. How could they say no to a bus, meant just for them, with lights, a smoke machine, balloons, and music? Also you don’t have to pay extra attention to each one of them, not to wander off somewhere, since they’re on a bus. They can eat, drink, dance to their favorite songs. From a lot of experience, we can say that children are much more louder and happier on the bus than the adults.

Airport transfer

Back from vacation, but you just want to have one last party before getting back to the normal everyday life? You got it. As the plane landed, we will be standing right there with the bus, and the party can start immideately. Packages, all your stuff can get into the trunk of the bus. All you have to do is to get on the bus, we will put your packages into the bus’ trunk, we start the engine, and let the party begin.